The website has been created by and is the property of Montoliu & Asociados Ingeniería y Arquitectura, S.L., registered in the Mercantile Registry with Fiscal Identity Number C.I.F. B96249982. The company is hereafter known as Montoliu & Asociados.
For the purposes of this present Legal Notice, the domicile of Montoliu & Associates is located at: Pasaje Dr. Bartual Moret 8 – Pta 2, Valencia.
The User recognizes and accepts that the industrial and intellectual property rights pertaining to the contents of the website, along with any other element forming part of said content, belong exclusively to Montoliu & Asociados. Montoliu & Asociados is the owner of all the elements pertaining to the design of the website, the menus, navigating tabs, the HTML code, the texts and graphics; any other content found on the website of is used according to and in agreement with corresponding authorization.
1- Data Protection.
Montoliu & Asociados has adopted the measures and levels of security in compliance with the legislation relating to The Protection of Data of a Personal Nature (Organic Law 15/1999, December 13) and laws regarding the use of such data. Personal data gathered through the website are included in an automatic archive, entitled Montoliu & Asociados, said company being responsible for the protection of the archive.
The filling in of an information request form on the website, or the sending of electronic or any other communications such as emails to the engineers and administrative staff of Montoliu & Asociados implies express consent is given by the Client for the inclusion of personal data in the aforementioned archive, under the ownership of Montoliu & Asociados.
The Client may exercise his or her right to access, rectify, cancel or otherwise oppose said content in writing, according to the provisions of the legislation relating to The Protection of Data of a Personal Nature (Organic Law 15/1999, December 13) and laws regarding the use of such data, via email to, or by ordinary mail to the company domicile: Montoliu & Asociados, Ingenieria y Arquitectura, S.L. - Pasaje Dr. Bartual Moret 8 - 2ª - 46010 Valencia. The aforementioned archive is registered in the Registro General de la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos – the General Registry of the Spanish Data Protection Agency – (, to which the Client may refer in order to review such data.
2. Data Collection.
The collection of personal data is carried out via means of the Client filling in the electronic form to request information in the ‘Contact Us’ section of the website or by means of electronic correspondence (emails) such as the Client may remit to Montoliu & Asociados when soliciting any one of our services.
Changes to Privacy and Data Protection Policy
Montoliu & Asociados reserves the right to modify its policy on privacy and data protection at its own discretion, at any time and without prior notice, always remaining in conformity with current Spanish legislation pertaining to data protection, any alteration being effective from the date of publication of said changes at
The terms and conditions that govern this website, along with any relations that may be derived from it, are protected by and subject to Spanish legislation, according to that laid out in Article 1262 of the Civil Code, as it pertains to Section 4 of the Preliminary Chapter of that same Code. In the event of the need for resolution of any dispute, discrepancy or litigation that may arise between the User and Montoliu & Asociados as a consequence of the use of this website, it is agreed to submit to the abovementioned Civil Code and the relevant Courts and Tribunals of Valencia.
Montoliu & Asociados does not guarantee the availability or continuity of the website, nor is the company to be held responsible for any damages, either now or in the future, nor technical defects of any sort, that may arise from the use of the information and materials contained within the website
© 2007 Montoliu & Asociados Ingenieria y Arquitectura, S.L. All rights reserved.